澳大利亚麦格理大学Prof. Gary Tian学术报告会成功举办
2017年11月20日上午,澳大利亚麦格理大学商业与经济学院(School of Business and Economics, Macquarie University)财务管理系教授田钢(Gary Tian)应邀在长安校区皇冠hg8868老版本210报告厅为学院师生作了一场题为《企业参股银行对投资效率的影响》的学术报告,报告会由黄珍博士主持。

首先,黄珍博士介绍了Prof. Gary Tian的主要学术成就。在报告中,Prof. Gary Tian详细为大家介绍了自己的一项研究,即企业参股银行能否提高自身的投资决策效率,避免过度投资。

在互动环节中,学院的老师和研究生们踊跃发言,Prof. Gary Tian肯定了大家的观点,并解答了大家的疑惑。报告会最后,黄珍博士对Prof. Gary Tian再次表达了诚挚的感谢,并希望能进一步加强学术交流。
Gary Tian is Professor of Finance in the School of Business and Economics, Macquarie University. He is the deputy editor of Accounting and Finance. He was a former Professor and Directors of HDR and Research in the Department of Finance and founding Director of the Centre of Business Research in China at Deakin Business School. He was also former Professor of Finance and Director of Chinese Commerce Research Centre at Wollongong University. he is research interests focus on corporate finance and governance in Chinese capital markets including political connections, CEO compensation, bank lending and informal finance, investment efficiency and family firm and audit opinions and auditor choice.
Over the last six years he has published 13 A* ranked journal articles along with many A ranked articles including Management Science(2017),the Journal of Corporate Finance (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017), Journal of Banking and Finance (2015, 2016 and two papers in press), Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (2017) and European Accounting Review (two papers in 2017). Over the last years, he successfully supervised his 15 PhD students.
(撰稿/姜文博 审稿/贾明)