日期:2020年08月11日 00:00
2020年8月10日下午,应学院贾明教授邀请,新加坡管理大学王鹤丽教授通过腾讯会议平台为我院做了题为“Heaven is High and the Emperor is Far Away: Information Asymmetry, State Inattention, and Firm Implementation of State Environmental Policy”的学术报告。本次报告由贾明教授主持,我院师生共100余人参与了此次报告。

首先,贾明教授对王鹤丽教授进行了简要介绍。随后,王鹤丽教授从三个方面对现有文献进行了梳理,指出现有关于地理距离研究的不足,进而提出本文的两个核心机制:information asymmetry和state inattention。并进一步分别从这两种机制出发提出了相应的调节因素,进而从全新的视角探讨了影响企业履行环保责任的因素。

Heli Wang is Janice Bellace Professor of Strategic Management at Singapore Management University. She received a Ph.D Strategic Management from the Ohio State University. Prior to joining SMU in 2012, she was an assistant and then associate professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Her research focuses on the resource-based review of the firm, strategic human capital, stakeholder management, and corporate social responsibility. She has previously served as a consulting editor of Management Organization Review and an associate editor of Academy of Management Journal. She is currently serving as an associate editor of Academy of Management Review.
(学院 撰稿/向翼 审核/贾明)